Urban Labs


The Urban Labs Programme seeks to articulate different stakeholders involved in territorial development; academia, public sector, private sector and civil society to address urban issues specific to the territories and find joint solutions based on CEDEUS’ scientific research and dialogue with the communities.


The programme has been developed in different communities: The San Eugenio neighbourhood in Santiago, Bajos de Mena neighbourhood in Puente Alto and Parinacota neighbourhood in Quilicura, all in the Metropolitan Region, and in the municipality of San Pedro de la Paz in general. and specifically in San Pedro de la Costa in the neighbourhoods of San Pedro de la Costa I and Boca Sur, in the Biobío Region.


In each territory, CEDEUS connects with local stakeholders such as municipalities, schools, neighbourhood councils, cultural groups and other agents to collect information on their problems in a participatory manner and thus develop inputs to guide public policies in the framework of sustainable urban development.

The Urban Labs Programme has also published two documents to support the development of participatory methodologies: 


“Participatory Methodologies for Sustainable Urban Development: Experiences of the Centre for Sustainable Urban Development” and “My Neighbourhood, My Rights, Activity Booklet for Children”. Resources have also been developed to support community organisation in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Pre-Urban Labs at CEDEUS: The first years of the Centre! 


Between 2013 and 2017, prior to the creation of the Urban Labs, CEDEUS developed an area of territorial engagement called “Work in Cities” as an initial effort to link research with different cities in the country. The programme also developed and implemented methodologies to diagnose urban conflicts and tensions, and to accompany different social stakeholders in their particular local processes.