Cuadernillo de Actividades Mi barrio mis derechos


The booklet includes different activities, such as drawings to colour, mandalas, puzzles and word searches, aimed at deepening children’s experience of their neighbourhood. Given the diversity of activities within the material, it can be used by children at home as well as in participatory community settings. We recommend its use from the age of 7 years onwards.


The booklet is based on the participatory workshops held at the María Luisa Sepúlveda School (Parinacota neighbourhood, Quilicura) and at the Liceo el Volcán III (Bajos de Mena, Puente Alto), both in the Metropolitan Region. These workshops sought to learn about the experience of year 6 children in their respective neighbourhoods. The workshops resulted in the need to provide children with material that would allow them to continue exploring urban planning topics in their homes during the pandemic lockdowns.