Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure in Latin American and the Caribbean Populations: A Scoping Review


Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure in Latin American and the Caribbean Populations: A Scoping Review


Liliana A. Zúñiga-Venegas , Carly Hyland, María Teresa Muñoz-Quezada, Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá, Mariana Butinof, Rafael Buralli, Andres Cardenas, Ricardo A. Fernandez, Claudia Foerster, Nelson Gouveia, Juan P. Gutiérrez Jara, Boris A. Lucero, María Pía Muñoz, Muriel Ramírez-Santan, Anna R. Smith, Noemi Tirado, Berna van Wendel de Joode, Gloria M. Calaf, Alexis J. Handal, Agnes Soares da Silva, Sandra Cortés, Ana M. Mora

Línea(s)Recursos Críticos
Año de publicación2022
RevistaEnvironmental Health Perspectives
Palabras claves
Pesticide; Latin American; Caribbean; residential pesticide
Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to pesticides is associated with adverse health outcomes. However, the literature on pesticide-related health effects in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region, an area of intensive agricultural and residential pesticide use, is sparse. We conducted a scoping review to describe the current state of research on the health effects of pesticide exposure in LAC populations with the goal of identifying knowledge gaps and research capacity building needs.
Autor(es) de correspondenciaAna María Mora,