Profesora Asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental, y Directora de Investigación e Innovación de la Escuela de Ingeniaría de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Licenciada en Ciencias Ambientales Universidad de Valencia y Doctora en Desarrollo Local y Territorio, Universidad de Valencia y Universidad Jaume I de Castellón.
Sus investigaciones se vinculan a sustentabilidad y eficiencia en el ciclo urbano del agua, donde estudia específicamente el nexo entre agua y energía.
Gémar G., Gómez T., Molinos-Senante M., Caballero R. and Sala-Garrido R. (2018) Assessing changes in eco-productivity of wastewater treatment plants: The role of costs, pollutant removal efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 65 24-31
Molinos-Senante M. and Guzmán C. (2018) Benchmarking energy efficiency in drinking water treatment plants: Quantification of potential savings. Journal of Cleaner Production 176 417-425
Molinos-Senante M. and Farias R. (2018) Evaluation of the influence of economic groups on the efficiency and quality of service of water companies: an empirical approach for Chile. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 23 23251-23260
Verdaguer M., Molinos-Senante M., Clara N., Santana M., Gernjak W. and Poch M. (2018). Optimal fresh water blending: A methodological approach to improve the resilience of water supply systems. Science of the Total Environment 624 1308-1315
Molinos-Senante M. and Guzmán C. (2018) Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price approach. Applied Energy 210 623-631
Arroyo P. and Molinos-Senante M. (2018) Selecting appropriate wastewater treatment technologies using a choosing-by-advantages approach. Science of the Total Environment 625 819-827
Gómez T., Gémar G., Molinos-Senante M., Sala.Garrido R. and Caballero R. (2017) Assessing the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants: A double-bootstrap approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 164 315-324
Maziotis A., Molinos-Senante M. and Sala-Garrido R. (2017) Assessing the impact of quality of service on the productivity of water industry: a Malmquist-Luenberger approach for England and Wales. Water Resources Management 31 8 2407-2427
Molinos-Senante M., Maziotis A. and Sala-Garrido R. (2017) Assessing the productivity change of water companies in England and Wales: A dynamic metafrontier approach. Journal of Environmental Management 197 1-9
Molinos-Senante M., Gómez T., Caballero R. and Sala-Garrido R. (2017) Assessing the quality of service to customers provided by water utilities: A synthetic index approach. Ecological Indicators 78 214-220