Assistant Professor, Department of Planning and Territorial Development, Faculty of Construction Sciences and Territorial Development, Metropolitan Technological University.
Architect and Master’s in Urban Project from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and Ph.D. in Transport Studies from the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.
His research focuses on the connections between public life, the built environment, and social vulnerability. He has participated in various research projects, presented at international conferences, and published in numerous indexed journals.
Mora, R., Waintrub, N., & Figueroa-Martinez, C. (2024). Bus drivers and their interactions with cyclists: An analysis of minor conflicts. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 25(101074), 101074.
Mora, R., Waintrub, N., Figueroa, C., & Horta, A. (2024). Understanding cyclists’ conflicts in the streets of a Latin American metropolis. Travel Behaviour And Society/Travel Behaviour & Society, 34, 100695.
Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Figueroa, C., & Olivares, B. (2023). Making Chile More Pedestrian-Friendly for Older Persons: Expert Perspectives. Journal Of Aging & Social Policy, 35(4), 486-508.
Link, F., Señoret, A., & Figueroa, C. (2022). Del barrio al conjunto: Espacio público y sociabilidad en la vivienda social de Santiago. Revista INVI, 37(106).
Herrmann-Lunecke, G., Figueroa, C. y Parra, F. (2022). Caminando por el barrio: comprendiendo las experiencias de las personas mayores en un Santiago adverso en tiempos de pandemia. Urbano, 25(45), pp. 112-121.
Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Figueroa, C., Parra, F., & Mora, R. (2021). La ciudad del no-cuidado: caminata y personas mayores en pandemia. ARQ, 109, 68-77.
Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Martínez, C. F., & Salgado, P. V. (2021). Caminata y vejez: explorando el espacio público peatonal de las personas mayores en los instrumentos de planificación urbana en Chile. Urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 13.
Figueroa, C., Hodgson, F., Mullen, C., & Timms, P. (2019). Walking through deprived neighbourhoods: Meanings and constructions behind the attributes of the built environment. Travel Behaviour And Society/Travel Behaviour & Society, 16, 171-181.
Figueroa, C., Hodgson, F., Mullen, C., & Timms, P. (2018). Creating inequality in accessibility: The relationships between public transport and social housing policy in deprived areas of Santiago de Chile. Journal Of Transport Geography, 67, 102-109.
Figueroa, C., Greene, M., & Mora, R. (2018). Efectos de las autopistas urbanas en sus entornos inmediatos: un análisis desde la Sintaxis Espacial. Revista 180, 42.