Researcher at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development and the School of Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
Civil Industrial Engineer with a specialization in Hydraulics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, holding a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences from the same institution.
She has been involved in research related to water quality and its assessment and control/treatment, with a focus on contaminants such as metals and arsenic. As well as environmental geochemistry, studying the presence of metals in the soils of mining towns.
Muñoz-Arango, D., Torres-Rojas, F., Tapia, N., Vega, M., Alvear, C., Pizarro, G., Pastén, P., Cortés, S., Vega, A., Calderón, R., Nerenberg, R., & Vargas, I. T. (2023). Perchlorate and chlorate assessment in drinking water in northern Chilean cities. Environmental Research, 233, 116450.
Briso, A., Vega, A., Molinos‐Senante, M., & Pastén, P. (2022). Challenges and opportunities for drinking water treatment residuals (DWTRs) in metal-rich areas: an integrated approach. Environmental Science And Pollution Research International, 29(43), 65599-65612.
Montecinos, M., Briso, A., Vega, A., & Pastén, P. (2022). Settling of copper-rich suspended particles from acid drainage neutralization as a function of chemical composition and particle size distribution. Applied Geochemistry, 139, 105239.
Vega, A., Arce, G., Rivera, J. I., Acevedo, S. E., Reyes‐Paecke, S., Bonilla, C. A., & Pastén, P. (2022). A comparative study of soil metal concentrations in Chilean urban parks using four pollution indexes. Applied Geochemistry, 141, 105230.
Rivera J, Acevedo S, Vega A, Bastías D, Arce G, Pastén P, Reyes S, Bonilla C. (2020). Análisis comparativo de la humedad aprovechable en los suelos de las plazas urbanas de Santiago. 2° encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias del Suelo. Concepción, Chile.
Moya, P., Arce, G., Leiva, C., Vega, A., Gutiérrez, S., Adaros, H., Muñoz, L., Pastén, P., & Cortés, S. (2019). An integrated study of health, environmental and socioeconomic indicators in a mining-impacted community exposed to metal enrichment. Environmental Geochemistry And Health, 41(6), 2505-2519.
Pastén P, Vega A, Guerra P, Pizarro J, Lizama K. (2019) Capítulo: Water Quality in Chile: Progress, Challenges and Perspectives. Libro: Water Quality in the Americas: Risks and Opportunities.
Vega, A., Arce, G., Carkovic, A., Moya, P., Coquery, M. & Pastén, P. (2019). Dynamics of metals in street dust after a mudslide: Case of mining city in Chile. Fall 2019 National Meeting News. Chemistry & Water. San Diego, CA, USA.
Moya, P., Arce, G., Vega, A., Leiva, C., Cortés, S. & Pastén, P. (2018). Desigualdad socioambiental: El caso Chañaral – Revista Diálogos. (2018, 1 enero).
Vega, A., Lizama, K., & Pastén, P. (2018). Water Quality: Trends and Challenges. En Global issues in water policy(pp. 25-51).