Director of the School of Design at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Sociologist from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master’s in Sociology from Université Paris-Sorbonne V, and PhD from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines and Institut de la Mobilité Durable ParisTech & Renault. Visiting researcher at Centre for Invention and Social Process, Goldsmiths University of London (2018).
His research area is linked to issues of walkability and sustainable mobility, digital technologies, smart cities, anthropology of design, maintenance and repair practices.
Tironi, M., Sagaris, L., Moraga-Zárate, M., & Forray, R. (2024). Repensando el concepto de “Calles Completas” desde miradas decoloniales. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(220).
Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2021). Experimenting with the Social Life of Homes: Sensor Governmentality and Its Frictions. Science As Culture, 30(2), 192-215.
Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2020). Gobernando mediante sensores. Sensorización y regulación digital de la vida ambiental de hogares en Chile. Revista 180, 46.
Tironi, M. (2019). Prototyping public friction: Exploring the political effects of design testing in urban space. British Journal Of Sociology, 71(3), 503-519.
Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2019). The militarization of the urban sky in Santiago de Chile: the vision multiple of a video-surveillance system of aerostatic balloons. Urban Geography, 42(2), 161-180.
Tironi, M. (2019) Experimentando con lo urbano: Políticas, discursos y prácticas de la ciudad inteligente y la datificación. Athenea igital, 19(2), e–2366.
Tironi, M y Valderrama, M. (2019) Microclimates of (in)security in Santiago: Sensors, sensing and sensations. In Mattering Press (accepted).
Tironi, M. (2019) Despolitizando y ecologizando las bicicletas. Las controversias que configuraron el sistemas de bicicletas publicas de Paris.. In: Tecnopolíticas: aproximaciones a los estudios de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad en Chile. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado; 2019. p. 209-243.
Tironi, M. (2018). Speculative prototyping, frictions and counter-participation: A civic intervention with homeless individuals. Design Studies, 59, 117-138.
Tironi, M., & Hermansen, P. (2018). Cosmopolitical encounters: Prototyping at the National Zoo in Santiago, Chile. Journal Of Cultural Economy, 11(4), 330-347.