Stefan Steiniger

Associate Researcher

CEDEUS Researcher and a research associate at the Walk21 Foundation. Currently he is a professor at the School of Construction and Transport Engineering of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.


He is an engineer from Dresden University of Technology and holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Zurich.



He is an expert in geographic information systems (GIS), software development and spatial analysis models in urban and natural contexts and studies on walkability and sustainability.



Rojas Quezada, C.A., Aguilera Sáez, F., Vecchio, G. y S. Steiniger (2022) Perception of green space preparedness and accessibility during COVID-19: an exploratory survey in two intermediate Chilean cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2022.816688


Steiniger, S., R. Villegas, H. de la Fuente, I. Rueda y R. Truffello (2021). Indicadores de Sustentabilidad Urbana – Aplicación en capitales chilenas. Centro de Desarrollo Urbano sustentable (CEDEUS), Santiago de Chile, Chile.


Vecchio, G., I. Tiznado-Aitken and S. Steiniger (2021) Vulnerable individuals and institutions: the double territorial burden of COVID-19 in Chile. Town Planning Review 92(2):271-277.


Steiniger, S., E. Wagemann, F. de la Barrera, M. Molinos-Senante, R. Villegas, H. de la Fuente, et al. (2020) Localising urban sustainability indicators: The CEDEUS indicator set, and lessons from an expert-driven process. Cities 101:102683.


Vecchio, G., B. Castillo and S. Steiniger (2020) Movilidad urbana y personas mayores en Santiago de Chile: el valor de integrar métodos de análisis, un estudio en el barrio San Eugenio. Revista de Urbanismo 43:26-45.


Aprigliano Fernandes, V., R. Rothfuss, V. Hochschild, M.A. Vieira da Silva, W. Ribeiro da Silva, S. Steiniger and T. F. Dos Santos (2019) Urban resilience in the face of fossil fuel dependency: the case of Rio de Janeiro’s urban mobilityurbe Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana 11.


Steiniger, M.E. Poorazizi, C. Fuentes, C. Rojas and A.J.S. Hunter (2017) WalkYourPlace-Building a Web-based Platform for Urban Accessibility Analysis (breakout presentation). Journal of Transport & Health7(Supplement): S59-S60.


Sagaris, L, I. Tiznado-Aitken and S. Steiniger (2017) Exploring the social and spatial potential of an intermodal approach to transport planning. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11(10):721-736.


Aviles, D., J.R. Barton, R. D’Alencon, R. Moris, J.C. Ruiz, R. Salas, and S. Steiniger (2016) Indicadores de sustentabilidad urbana a escala local en Chile. Revista EÍDOS 9:28-38.


Steiniger, S., M.E. Poorazizi and A.J.S. Hunter (2016) Planning with Citizens: Implementation of an e-Planning Platform and Analysis of Research Needs. Urban Planning 1(2): 49-64.