Alejandra Vives


Associate Researcher

Associate professor at the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


She is a medical doctor from Universidad de Chile, and holds a master’s degree in Public Health and a PhD in Biomedicine, Epidemiology and Public Health from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.



She is dedicated to social epidemiology, specifically the social determinants of social inequalities in health: employment conditions; precarious employment and health; urban health; territorial segregation; housing, urban regeneration and health.




Benavides FG, Vives A, Zimmerman M y Silva-Peñaherrera M. (2022). Exceso de mortalidad en población en edad de trabajar en nueve países de Latinoamérica, año 2020. Rev Panam Salud Publica 46, 75.


De Oliveira Morais LM, Guevara-Aladino P, Valdebenito R, Díaz N, Indvik K, Sarmiento OL, Vives Vergara A, Friche AA, Caiaffa WT. (2022) Urban transformations, community participation, and health: inter-sectoral and cross-country learning experience between Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. Cities & Health DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2022.2086373


Palma-Vasquez C, Vives A, Gimeno Ruiz de Porras D, Rojas-Garbanzo M, Benavides FG (2022). Precarious employment Measurement in Central America: psychometric properties based on the II Central American Survey of Working Conditions and Health. Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. DOI:


Alfaro T, Folgar K, Vives A, Bilal U. (2022). Excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in cities of Chile: Magnitude, inequalities, and urban determinants. Journal of Urban Health. DOI: 10.1007/s11524-022-00658-y


Baeza F, González F, Benmarhnia T, Vives A. (2022). Effects of the Great Recession on suicide mortality in Chile and contributing factors. SSM – Mental Health, vol. 2, 100104.


Gunn V, Vives A, Zaupa A, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Julià M, Kvart S, Lewchuk W, Padrosa E, Vos MP, Ahonen EQ, Baron S, Bosmans K, Davis L, Díaz I, Matilla-Santander N, Muntaner C, O’Campo P, Östergren P-O, Vanroelen C, Vignola EF, Bodin T. (2022). Non-Standard Employment and Unemployment during the COVID-19 Crisis: Economic and Health Findings from a Six-Country Survey Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (10), 5865.


Huynh T, Oddo V, Trejo B, Quistberg A, Díez-Canseco F, Vives A. (2022). Association between informal employment and depressive symptoms in 11 cities in Latin America.  SSM – Population Health, Volume 18, 101101. DOI:


Benavides FG, Silva-Peñaherrera M, Vives A. (2022). Informal employment, precariousness, and decent work: from research to preventive action. Scand J Work Environ Health. Online-first article, doi:10.5271/sjweh.4024 | Published online: 15 Mar 2022


Baeza F, Vives Vergara A, González F, Orlando L, Valdebenito R, Cortinez-O’Ryan A, Slesinski C, Diez Roux AV.(2021) The Regeneración Urbana, Calidad de Vida y Salud – RUCAS project: a Chilean multi-methods study to evaluate the impact of urban regeneration on resident health and wellbeing. BMC Public Health. 15;21(1):728. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10739-3. PMID: 33858373; PMCID: PMC8047526.


Benavides FG, Amable M, Cornelio C, Vives A, Carmenante L, Barraza D, Bernal D, Silva-Peñaherrera M, Delclos J. (2021) El futuro del trabajo tras la COVID-19: el papel incierto del teletrabajo en el domicilio. Rev Bras Saude Ocup 2021;46:e31