
Associate Professor in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile.

Architect from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Ph.D. in Urbanism and Urban Planning from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.



Built environment, pedestrian mobility, healthy cities, city and aging.



Herrmann-Lunecke, M.G., Figueroa-Martínez, C., & Olivares, B. (2023). Making Chile more pedestrian-friendly for older persons: Expert perspectives. Journal of Ageing & Social Policy, 35(4), 486-508.


Herrmann-Lunecke, M.G., Figueroa-Martínez, C., Parra Huerta, F., & Mora, R. (2022). The Disabling City: Older Persons Walking in Central Neighbourhoods of Santiago de Chile. Sustainability 14, 11085, 1-19.


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Figueroa-Martínez, C., & Parra-Huerta, F. (2022). Caminando por el barrio: Comprendiendo las experiencias de las personas mayores en un Santiago adverso, en tiempos de pandemia. Urbano25(44), 112–121.


Zúñiga-Olave, C.P., & Herrmann-Lunecke, M.G. (2022). Labores de cuidado y COVID-19: cambios en la movilidad cotidiana de mujeres en Santiago, ChileÍconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 73, 15-33.


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Figueroa, C., Parra, F. & Mora, R. (2021). La ciudad del no-cuidadoARQ, 109, 68-77. 


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Figueroa, C., & Vejares, P. (2021). Caminata y vejez: explorando el espacio público peatonal de las personas mayores en los instrumentos de planificación urbana en Chile. urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 13, e20210128, 1-17.


Zumelzu, A., & Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G. (2021). Mental Well-Being and the Influence of Place: Conceptual Approaches for the Built Environment for Planning Healthy and Walkable Cities. Sustainability13(11), 6395, 1-21. MDPI AG.


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Mora, R. & Vejares, P. (2021). Perception of the built environment and walking in pericentral neighbourhoods in Santiago, ChileTravel Behaviour and Society, 23, 192-206,


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Mora, R. & Vejares, P. (2020). Identificación de elementos del paisaje urbano que fomentan la caminata en SantiagoRevista de Urbanismo, 43, p.4-25.


Herrmann-Lunecke, M. G., Mora, R. & Sagaris, L. (2020). Persistence of walking in Chile: lessons for urban sustainability, Transport Reviews, 40:2, p. 135-159.


Flamant, G., Bustamante, W., Schmitt, C., Bunster, C., Osorio, C. (2022). Thermal and environmental evaluation of mid-rise social housing retrofit under different climate conditions, Journal of Building Engineering, 103724, 46.


Dietz, A., Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Flamant, G. (2020) Multi-objective optimization to balance thermal comfort and energy use in a mining camp located in the Andes Mountains at high altitude. Energy, 199, 117121.


Flamant, G. Tilmans,A. (2018) Conductivité thermique et marquage des isolants, Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction. CSTC-Contact ( 


Bustamante, W., Flamant, G., Leonard, D., Vera, S., Encinas, F. (2019) Evaluation of the visual contact with the outside through solar shading fabrics. ZEMCH 2019 Zero Energy Mass Custom Home International Conference, Seoul, 2019.


Uribe, D., Vera, S., Bustamante, W., McNeil, A., Flamant, G. (2019) Impact of different control strategies of perforated curved louvers on the visual comfort and energy consumption of office buildings in different climates. Solar Energy, 190, 495-510.


Vera, S., Pinto, C., Tabares-Velasco, P., Molina, G., Flamant, G., Bustamante, W., Pianella, A., Kincaid, N. (2019) Analysis and comparison of two vegetative roof heat and mass transfer models in three different climate zones. Energy Build, 2019, 202, 109367.


Herrera, J., Flamant, G., Gironás, J., Vera, S., Bonilla, C., Bustamante, W., Suárez, F. (2018) Using a Hydrological Model to Simulate the Performance and Estimate the Runoff Coefficient of Green Roofs in Semiarid Climates. Water, 198; doi:10.3390/w10020198


Vera, S., Flamant, G., Molina, G., Pinto, C., Tabares-Velasco, P., Kincaid, N., Bustamante,W. (2018) Impact of the substrate thermal inertia on the thermal behaviour of an extensive vegetative roof in a semiarid climate. International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2018), Syracuse, NY, USA