Master’s in Water Resources Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, and Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management (Thesis: Performance Evaluation of an Urban Drainage System) from the Indian Institute of Technology.
Specialized in topics related to urban flooding, urban drainage systems, low-impact development techniques, hydrological and hydraulic modeling, remote sensing, and GIS applications.
Osheen, Kansal, M.L. & Bisht, D.S. (2024). Enhancing Urban Drainage Infrastructure Through Implementation of Low Impact Development Techniques. Water Resources Management 38, 4517–4540
Osheen, Kansal, M., & Singh Bisht, D. (2023). Integrating Green and Grey Infrastructure for Resilience Enhancement of Conventional Urban Drainage System and its Evaluation through Modeling. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU-137)
Osheen, Kansal, M. L., & Bisht, D. S. (2022). Effectiveness of LIDs In Resilience Enhancement of an Urban Drainage System: A Case Study. In AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Bibcode: 2022AGUFMGC42P0914O.
Osheen, Kansal, M. L., & Bisht, D. S. (2023) Characterization, Complexities, and Strategic Planning for Urban Flood Management: A Case Study of Gurugram. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2023 (pp. 661-674).
Osheen, Kansal M. L. & Bisht D. S. (2022) Evaluation of an urban drainage system using functional and structural resilience approach. Urban Water Journal 1–19.
Mehta, Osheen, Mitthan Lal Kansal, and Deepak Singh Bisht. (2022). A comparative study of the time of concentration methods for designing urban drainage infrastructure. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society.
Osheen, Kansal M.L. (2021). Classification and Change detection of an Urban Built-up area: A case study of Gurugram In Advances in Hydrology and Climate Historical Trends and New Approaches in Water Resources Management by Taylor & Francis Group. Chapter-11.
Osheen, & Singh, K. K. (2020). The Influence of Slope Profile on Rain Gardens’ Hydrological Performance. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater and Water Desalination and Reuse (pp. 145-153). Reston, VA: ASCE.
Osheen, Singh K.K. (2019) Rain Garden—A Solution to Urban Flooding: A Review. In: Agnihotri A., Reddy K., Bansal A. (eds) Sustainable Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 30. Springer, Singapore.
Kansal, Mitthan Lal, Osheen, and Aditya Tyagi. (2019) Hotspot Identification for Urban Flooding in a Satellite Town of National Capital Region of India. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019: Emerging and Innovative Technologies and International Perspectives. Reston, VA: ASCE, 2019.