To promote watershed-wise cities that protect environmental and human health.
Main research objective
To bridge gaps towards healthier water-wise cities through a fundamental understanding of natural and human stressors while revealing linkages with key coupled urban dimensions like public health, regulatory frameworks, and public infrastructure. A focus guided primarily by the regulatory priorities established by the Chilean Ministry of the Environment will be on supporting with evidence: the development of the first primary soil quality guidelines and framework soil regulation; the modification of water pollution standards linked to the urban metabolism, and to recovery/prevention efforts to improve environmental quality and tackle environmental conflicts.
Pablo Pastén | Critical Resources
Carolina Rojas | Critical Resources
Alejandra Vega | Critical Resources
Carlos Bonilla | Critical Resources/ Access and Mobility
Caroline Stamm | Socio-Spatial Dynamics
Francisco de la Barrera | Socio-Spatial Dynamics
Héctor Jorquera |Critical Resources / Access and Mobility
María Isabel Molina | Built Environment
María Molinos | Critical Resources
Sandra Cortés | Critical Resources