Gender differences in respiratory health outcomes among farming cohorts around the globe: findings from the AGRICOH consortium


Gender differences in respiratory health outcomes among farming cohorts around the globe: findings from the AGRICOH consortium
AuthorJonathan Fix, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Isabelle Baldi, Mathilde Boulanger, Soo Cheng, Sandra Cortes, Jean-Charles Dalphin, Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie, Bruno Degano, Jeroen Douwes, Wijnand Eduard, Grethe Elholm, Catterina Ferreccio, Anne-Helen Harding, Mohamed Jeebhay, Kevin M Kelly, Hans Kromhout,Ewan MacFarlane,Cara Nichole Maesano,Diane Catherine Mitchell,Hussein Mwanga,Saloshni Naidoo, Beyene Negatu, Dorothy Ngajilo, Karl-Christian Nordby, Christine G Parks, Marc B Schenker, Aesun Shin, Torben Sisgaard, Malcolm Sim, Thibaud Soumagne, Peter Thorne, Keun-Young Yoo & Jane A Hoppin
Line(s)Critical Resources
Year of Publication2020
Journal TitleJournal of Agromedicine
Farmers, Respiratory Health, Gender, Farmworkers, Occupational Exposure
Respiratory hazards of farming have been identified for centuries, with little focus on gender differences. We used data from the AGRICOH consortium, a collective of prospective cohorts of agricultural workers, to assess respiratory disease prevalence among adults in 18 cohorts representing over 200,000 farmers, farm workers, and their spouses from six continents.
Corresponding AuthorSandra Cortés