Evaluation of Sedum as driver for plant microbial fuel cells in a semi-arid green roof ecosystem (2017)


Evaluation of Sedum as driver for plant microbial fuel cells in a semi-arid green roof ecosystem (2017)

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



N. F.Tapia; C. Rojas; C.A.Bonilla; I.T.Vargas

Journal Title

Ecological Engineering


Green roofs; plant microbial; fuel cells; Pyrosequencing; Succulent plant


Corrosion of copper pipes may release high amounts of copper into the water, exceeding the maximum concentration of copper for drinking water standards. Typically, the events with the highest release of copper into drinking water are related to the presence of biofilms. This article reviews this phenomenon, focusing on copper ingestion and its health impacts, the physicochemical mechanisms and the microbial involvement on copper release, the techniques used to describe and understand this phenomenon, and the hydrodynamic effects. A conceptual model is proposed and the mathematical models are reviewed. View Full-Text



Corresponding Author

 Ignacio T. Vargas, itvargas@ing.puc.cl

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