05 Jun Modes of technification: Expertise, urban controversies and the radicalness of radical planning (2014)
Posted at 21:18h
in Publicaciones Científicas
Title | Modes of technification: Expertise, urban controversies and the radicalness of radical planning |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2014 |
Authors | Manuel Tironi |
Journal Title | Planning Theory |
Keywords | Citizen organisations, expertise, radical planning, Santiago de Chile |
Abstract | This article questions radical planning’s insistence on an ontological distinction between lay and expert knowledge. Drawing on an in-depth analysis of citizen collectives in Santiago, Chile, I explain how citizen organisations, in their quest for political recognition and emancipation, embrace rationalistic, bureaucratic, formal and instrumental knowledge and tactics. Utilising insights from Science and Technology Studies, I call modes of technification the specific and differentiated strategies by which these collectives become technical entities. Three of these modes are described: the organisational, epistemic and generative modes. The larger claim is that radical planning, by pursuing a politics of difference, may end up enacting a world in which identities are essentialised and roles forcefully allocated. |
DOI | 10.1177/1473095213513579 |
Corresponding Author | Manuel Tironi. Email: metironi@uc.cl |
Line (s) of Research | Built Environment |