Héctor Jorquera


Investigador Asociado
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Recursos Críticos



Profesor Titular Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Bioprocesos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica.


Ingeniero civil y Magister en Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Chile. Doctor en Ingenería Química University of Minnesota Twin Cities.



Su tema de investigación es la calidad del aire, específicamente: el diseño de planes de descontaminación en zonas urbanas, la determinación de las principales fuentes de contaminación en una zona dada, la modelación de meteorología y calidad del aire a diferentes escalas (local, urbana, regional) y la medición de contaminación en el interior de viviendas.



Jorquera H., Villalobos A.M. and Barraza F. (2018) Ambient PM10 impacts brought by the extreme flooding event of March 24–26, 2015, in Copiapó, Chile. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health 11 3 341-351


Jorquera H., Barraza F., Heyer J., Valdivia G., Schiappacasse L.N. and Montoya L.D. (2018) Indoor PM2.5 in an urban zone with heavy wood smoke pollution: The case of Temuco, Chile. Environmental Pollution 236 477-487


Viecco M., Vera S., Jorquera H., Bustamante W., Gironás J., Dobbs C. and Leiva E. (2018) Potential of Particle Matter Dry Deposition on Green Roofs and Living Walls Vegetation for Mitigating Urban Atmospheric Pollution in Semiarid Climates. Sustainability 10 7 18 pp


Barraza F., Lambert F., Jorquera H., Villalobos A.M. and Gallardo L. (2017) Temporal evolution of main ambient PM2. 5 sources in Santiago, Chile, from 1998 to 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 10093-10107


Villalobos A.M., Barraza F., Jorquera H. and Schauer J.J. (2017) Wood burning pollution in southern Chile: PM2.5 source apportionment using CMB and molecular markers. Environmental Pollution 225 514-523


Pozo K., Llanos Y., Estellano V.H., Cortés S., Jorquera H., Gerli L., Pozo K., Encina F., Palma R. and Focardi S. (2016) Occurrence of chlorpyrifos in the atmosphere of the Araucanía Region in Chile using polyurethane foam-based passive air samplers. Atmospheric Pollution Research 7 4 706-710


Barraza F., Jorquera H., Heyer J., Palma W., Edwards A.M., Muñoz M., Valdivia G. and Montoya L.D. (2016) Short-term dynamics of indoor and outdoor endotoxin exposure: Case of Santiago, Chile, 2012. Environment International 92-93 97-105


Belis C.A., Karagulian F., Amato F., Almeida M., Artaxo P., Beddows D.C.S., Bernardoni V., Bove M.C., Carbone S., Cesari D., Contini D., Cuccia E., Diapouli E., Eleftheriadis K., Favez O., El Haddad I., Harrison R.M., Hellebust S., Hovorka J., et al. (2015) A new methodology to assess the performance and uncertainty of source apportionment models II: The results of two European intercomparison exercises. Atmospheric Environment 123 240-250


Jorquera H., Borzutzky A., Hoyos-Bachiloglu R. and García A. (2015) Association of Kawasaki disease with tropospheric winds in Central Chile: Is wind-borne desert dust a risk factor?. Environment International 78 32-38


Villalobos A.M., Barraza F. and Jorquera H. (2015)Chemical speciation and source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Santiago, Chile, 2013. Science of the Total Environment 512–513 133–142